Saturday, August 22, 2009

In Flight

Travel Diary

Date: June 22, 1981 - 12:20 AM
Place: In flight to Yugoslavia

"We had more orientation today. Then at 8:00 - we gathered our stuff and boarded a bus for the airport. We waited around, got our passports & tickets. And now, we're on the flight. My ears refuse to pop. I don't feel right about this flight. I don't know why or what - but I do. From the minute I got on the plane, I felt I was already in a different country. The flight instructions are first given in Serbo- Croat - then - maybe - in English. This is a rough flight - turbulence. The seat belt sign hasn't gone off yet, but mine is off. I'm tired and I want SLEEP - I hope others will too since we're in the smoking section - RATS! I hope we get there soon - and that everything is OK. Such is life! I called mom & dad tonight - they want to set up a time for me to call them - Sick - I don't want to. I wasn't going to call, but I thought if I did that would take care of it for the trip - BUT NO!
"2:15 PM Yugo time - We're here, & I'm sick. I feel rotten!"

Ah, yes, the days of smoking and non-smoking sections in the plane. And nothing separated one from the other so pretty much all sections were smokey, especially on a trip to/from Europe.

And, oh, goodie! No one stole my passport and tried to take my identity. What a relief!

Obviously my bad feeling about the flight was for nothing. We arrived safe and sound.

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